Interactive Video

Interactive Video - A list or panel of interactions separate from the playbar

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or a bug of sorts.

Steps to repeat:

  1. Upload a video file to Interactive Video, let's say it's 10 minutes long.
  2. Add an interation at the 9 minute mark and save the project.
  3. Replace the video with a shorter 8 minute video.

The interaction at 9 minutes is still there, but you can't reach it in the editor. No way to edit or delete it. I've attached an example. The final interaction is beyond the end of the video.

Supporter votes Members of the Supporter Network can vote for feature requests. When the supporter network has generated sufficient funding for the top voted feature request it will normally be implemented and released. More about the H5P Supporter Network

H5P videos stored multiple times in Moodle Database

A course creator has created 7 (seven) h5p interactive videos which were then uploaded on the Moodle Content Bank. From there, these videos were re-used in seven courses (one video per course). Although the Moodledata folder, based on this, should have been 5-6GB, we see 17GB being used. Keep in mind that no other content has been uploaded to the LMS, apart from a batch of small files (<100MB) which don't amount to the missing amount of data unaccounted for.
