Interactive Video

Not being able to copy Interactive Videos into Course Presentations

giofonseca's picture

Dear H5P Team, and contributors,

is there a reason of not being able to copy interactive videos into course presentations? I don't see the copy and paste options there. I checked in Word Press, Moodle and Lumi, using Google Chrome.

Thanks in advance for your answer.

Best regards,


H5P interactive video time lag

Hi I am experiencing a trouble in H5P Interactive video:

When adding interacting question to a video, I chose "pause video" and also typed in the "display time". It looks good in EDIT page. However when I update the video, after the interactive question answered, the video came to the last slide before the question for like 0.1 second (and the audiance can see that).

The video should stop when it comes to the question and continue to the next slide when I click "continue" in the question box.

H5P não carrega no Moodle

Uso o h5p a algum tempo no Moodle,  para gerar conteudo interativo para meus alunos.

Porém já faz alguns meses que o h5p não carrega  no Moodle,  conteudos como o video interativo, course apresentation, agamotto, e muitos outros, não abrem, fica carregando e não abre conforme a imagem anexo.

Instalei e desistalei o plugin, inclusive criei até outro moodle e nada funcionou. 

.Estou usando o Moodle 3.9  e também o 3.10

Wordpress versão 5.7.1

PHP versão 7.3.27 

Servidor Hospedagem no Hostagator
