Personality Quiz

Personality quiz - unpredictable results

I made a personality quiz with 4 personalities (A, B, C, D) and 3 questions with 4 answers each. Each answer is assigned to 1 personality.

When I answer the quiz with 1a, 2a and 3b I would expect that the result would point to personality A, but that isn't always the case.

And suppose somebody answers 1a, 2b and 3c, what will happen then?

And then another question, a feature request really: is it possible to randomize the answers?

increase height of personality quiz iframe

I've created a personality quiz. Independing on what settings I use in the embed options, my iframe will always open width a height of 441px. Is there a way to increase the height of the iframe? Everything I try seems to be overwritten by the iframe itself.

Example: this script will still load a frame of 441px in height dispite adding a custom height to the iframe. 

Error in Moodle: Unable to find Constructor

I have created content using the Personality Quiz. The activity runs fine on and it also renders in Moodle when I am building the course (I use the Chrome browser for development).

When I attempt to load the content in a course (in Firefox) under Guest access, the module doesn't appear. The description displays, but there is nothing after that. I turned on Firebug and two errors appear in the console:

     Unable to find constructor for: H5P.PersonalityQuiz 1.0
     TypeError: instance is undefined
