
A free HTML5 based photo collage content type allowing users to set up multiple photos in a custom layout using only a web browser. Show off your photos in a tasteful way in publishing systems like Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Moodle and WordPress..

An orange bee hovering a purple lupinus flower with a grayed out background
Two daisy flowers with white pedals that fade into purple with a dark purple center. The background is dark, out of focus and has no colors
The orange inner parts of a crocus flower on a light purple background. The pollen is barely visible at the edges

Would you like to create content like this on your own?

Get started

Register on to start creating H5P Interactive content. Your content can be accessed via direct link, embeded, or inserted into any learning management system that supports LTI integration.


The Collage tool allows you to put together beautiful images in a soothing composition. If you want to impress your followers by adding cool image collages to your blog, this is definitely the tool for you!

Choose from 11 layouts and configure:

  • image pan and zoom
  • image spacing (inner frame size)
  • outer frame size
  • height of the collage

New to H5P? Read the installation guide to get H5P on your own site.