Translation of "proceed" button in Branching scenarios

Can someone please advice where I can place a translation of "proceed" button in the Branching scenarios. All other buttons I can find from the translation settings but not this one. Is it even possible? Thanks in advance!

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BV52's picture

Hi Anni,

The translation for proceed is located within the activities that you insert in Branching Scenario. I attached a sample screenshot of a branching question.


Thank you! This helped :-) 


When I apply your solution, and review or update the project, the translation is not saved - it returns to the default "Proceed" text. How can this be solved?

(It would also be good if the translation could be made only one place for the whole branching scenario, not in every activity of the scenario [I have a big scenario])   


BV52's picture

Hi Eirik,

Can you share your content please as I am unable to reproduce the issue that you described. 


Thanks! How can I share the Branching scenario with you privately? (This is not an open project)


BV52's picture

Hi Eirik,

You can download the content as H5P and then upload in Google Drive. You can then share the link with [email protected]. Please post here once the content has been shared because I do not monitor that email address.


Hi all !

I have exactly the same problem : I have translated the "Proceed" button everywhere, several times... but the translation is not saved and the "Proceed" text always comes back. I also have tried to "hard translate" the "Proceed" string in the following files : semantics.json and language > fr.json (both located in libraries > H5PBranchingScenario1.8) but no success either.

I am using H5P (all libraries updated) with Wordpress 6.5. It is my first content made with Branching Scenario.

Here is a link for you to have a look if it helps (very heavy content, should take a long to load, sorry... ) :

Any help appreciated :)

Thanks !


BV52's picture

Hi Isabelle,

I can see the content although I don't think I'll be able to actually test it since I do not have access to editing it. Would you mind doing the same thing as what I mentioned it this comment:


Hi BV,

Thanks for your reply and interest. As requested, I've sent you a link to my Dropbox where is the H5P file, so that you can download the content and do some tests. I hope that you can replicate the "bug (?)" if it is one and suggest a solution.



otacke's picture

Hi BV!

It's a bug. Fixed in


BV52's picture

Thanks Oliver! I should have checked the my test content first :)


And also thanks to you, BV, for your help !


Hi Oliver !

Thanks a lot for the fix. Out of curiosity, I've had a look at the code : how crazy is it that such a tiny change can have so much consequences... Writing code definitely requires impressive focus !...

Thanks again anyway :)



otacke's picture

It's just as in natural language: A comma, for instance, can decide between life and death ...

"Let's eat, grandpa!" vs "Let's eat grandpa!"


In this case, it seems that the respective code instance was overlooked while so called "refactoring", let's call it cleaning up the code.



Now I have sendt a Google Drive link to my Branching scenario (sent to [email protected]).

Thanks for looking into it! (And interesting to see that others face the same problem)


You're absolutely right Oliver : comma can save lives - so we shouldn't eat grandpa :D
I've seen that you've published on your blog something about H5P being aquired by D2L ; I'm heading over there to read it - curious to have your input about this news...