Quiz (Question Set)

Use USER SELECTED language for creation tool vs SITE DEFAULT Language- Wordpress

I run a site in China, so I'd like the default site language in Wordpress general settings to be Chinese.  I am an English speaker.  If I set the Default language to Chinese, I can update my profile to use English.  It appears as though H5p content creation tool selects language interface by site default, not by user selected.  Tested in Question set.  How can I make h5p respect user language?



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Guess the animals - Quiz example

stuartrmealor's picture

A few weeks ago I shared an example of using Flashcards to make a "Guess the animals" exercise.

I've been testing out different H5P content types, with much the same material, to explore the strengths and weaknesses of each. So next I've tried the same questions, but using the H5P Quiz (Question Set).

So here I'm sharing the "Guess the animals" H5P quiz. Feel free to try it out - my kids really enjoy these.

