Quiz (Question Set)

Allow uploading of document files to questions

Example question: student reads a document and answers a question on it.





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H5P Content types


We have H5P installed in our Moodle Test instance. However, we did encounter an issue while trying to embed Quiz(Question Set) into Moodle page and Labels. We have created the content using the Quiz Question set, after creating I have embedded it in the label . After clicking on "Start" quiz the page doesn't move forward. This is the same when I embed using "Page" activity.

I have tested this with other components and it works fine for example: I have embedded Memory game into the label.

Create Content Type for QuestionSet


I want to make the Content Type "H5P.ImageMultipleHotspotQuestion-1.0" work within a QuestionSet-1.13 as all the other QuestionSet-Enabled Content Types. So I nowhere found any information about what xAPI-Functionality has to be implemented or which other requirements have to be met to accomplish this. 

Can someone give me a link to the documentation or give me a little todo-List? I would love to contribute the newly QuestionSet-Enabled ImageHotspot Library to the community of Questionset users but at the moment I just don't know how.

Thanks in advance, Julian!
