Quiz (Question Set)

Bug in quiz (question set)

Hi , I have some problems with the quiz.

1. There are 8 questions randomly choosen from a set of 13 questions and I allow repetition in case of the person does not reach the required 80%. As the questions are various type (drag und drop, multiple choice, single choice) in each round a different total of points can be reached.

One person failed in round one with 19 out of 28 points; Second round 14 point are possible she reached 14. At the end of round 2 the result shows 14 / 15. The number of possible points in round two is wrong. See attached files.

Creating an "End of Quiz" link to move forward

khewss's picture


I've been using the Quiz options in H5P in my Moodle (v3.8) portal to create quizzes. However, I've found that whenever students complete their quizzes, they would have to close that browser window, in order to get back to the previous tabbed page. 

Is there a way to put a URL link at the end of the quiz, so students can "just click" to move forward to another topic/quiz or wherever I'd want them to move forward to? Although this is available in the Interactive Video option, where I can set a pop up window at the end of a video that allows URLs to be linked.

'Next activity' not refreshing after quiz

Please could someone let me know if I am doing something incorrectly.  

I have a Pre-Course Quiz that the students need to complete before starting the course lessons. This has been implemented as follows:

1. The Pre Course Quiz has the following Activity Completion criteria:

    Require result

Student must receive a result to complete this activity

2. Lesson 1 has a restriction that the Pre-Course Quiz needs to be completed with the following Access Restrictions:
