Branching Scenario

Reusing Branching Scenarios in a Branching Scenario

I'm finding that developing complex branching scenarios is messy. I had an idea that I could develop the scenario in separate Branching Scenarios and then put them all together in a final scenario using the copy/reuse content feature. Unfortunately, the system doesn't seem to allow the reuse of scenarios. Any chance this is something that could be worked into the application in the future? I'm not sure if it would be a copy/reuse feature or a link/jump to feature.


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Simplest way to implement timed decisions for branch navigation

Hello everyone, thank you for working on such a capable package and distributing it for free! I am developing a branching storyline for a set of safety training videos. They are quite simple trees where every video ends in two children. The client would like the decision points to have a countdown effect, much like the Netflix interactive videos such as You vs. Wild (

I would like to have the following specifications:
