
Combining more h5ps with each other

I noticed that some h5ps cannot be combined with eachother. For instance in a Quiz, Acordion, Column, Interactive Video the number of h5ps that can be used is limited. That's a shame, because the more can be combined, the more creative the content is. For instance, I wanted to create a Column with a Virtual Tour (image of a classroom) and a Fill in the Blanks underneath (How many chairs are there? How many windows are there?'  


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error en los videos interactivos


Estoy gestionando moodle 4.0, tiene instalado la version de 1.22.4 de h5p, el navegador que uso es chrome.

El error que me surgido es que al momento de hacer varios videos interactivos en una columna, no he logrado hacer que al momento de que los participantes van viendo los videos se guarden los avnces, si se salen de la actividad sin a ver visto todos los videos y responder las preguntas de los videos, se reinicia el intento no guarda el avance y tienen que comenzar a verlos y responder nuevamente.

Multiple issues with library dependencies


We have modules using the Question set library and within that we have a variety of question types e.g. multiple choice, fill in the blanks, complex fill in the blanks. These were created a while ago and the content/libraries need to be updated. However, we encountered a few issues.
