
Title Posted
Hi Emil,This is not possible 2017/12/21 – 05:32
Hi RoyElevate,Where there any 2017/12/21 – 05:14
embedded H5P and Moodle Mobile app 2017/12/21 – 01:33
Slow in WordPress 2017/12/21 – 00:03
moodle gradebook - h5p completion/restriction 2017/12/20 – 22:57
configure range 2017/12/20 – 22:25
Great Update guys! But we need to add Salesforce to this blog! 2017/12/20 – 21:32
h5p moodle gradebook 2017/12/20 – 17:07
Slash part of the answer 2017/12/20 – 14:43
Passing grades in WP plugin 2017/12/20 – 14:21
Bump 2017/12/20 – 14:14
Keep it coming! 2017/12/20 – 14:12
Marking part of a word 2017/12/20 – 14:11
Help 2017/12/20 – 09:42
Hi u4365385,Can you please 2017/12/20 – 08:53
Content doesn't display in moodle 2017/12/20 – 08:40
Thanks 2017/12/20 – 08:32
Hi Helen,These are all 2017/12/20 – 07:27
Hi SafeMinistry,Thank you for 2017/12/20 – 07:09
Thank you for sharing this 2017/12/20 – 06:59
Hi Jenna,This is by the 2017/12/20 – 06:53
I'm experiencing the same 2017/12/20 – 01:56
CoolThanks! 2017/12/20 – 00:05
H5P - moodle gradebook 2017/12/19 – 16:15
Thank you for the feedback :) 2017/12/19 – 14:58
Hi Debbie,If you want to get 2017/12/19 – 14:52
Hi, please follow the guide 2017/12/19 – 14:38
Just to be clear, setting the 2017/12/19 – 14:09
Thanks for explaining this. I 2017/12/19 – 13:25
Yes, I believe this is 2017/12/19 – 13:21
Hi,For H5P the latest result 2017/12/19 – 13:20
Hi kal7hos,There have been 2017/12/19 – 13:12
Mthajax in Moodle-H5P Plugin 2017/12/19 – 11:52
H5P accordion 2017/12/19 – 11:49
I have the same issue with 2017/12/19 – 11:15
Hi bvsrinivas,Can you please 2017/12/19 – 09:25
Dear sirHow can  I Add drag 2017/12/19 – 05:57
Hi mgoodine,I agree with you 2017/12/19 – 03:50
Hi Seabastian,This is not 2017/12/19 – 03:30
moodle gradebook 2017/12/18 – 19:52
moodle gradebook/h5p 2017/12/18 – 17:16
moodle gradebook 2017/12/18 – 17:15
Hi,I see, are you having 2017/12/18 – 17:00
Hi, I'm not able to reproduce 2017/12/18 – 16:53
Hi, whenever you embed an H5P 2017/12/18 – 16:31
Hi, exciting news, I would 2017/12/18 – 16:18
Please update this explanation 2017/12/18 – 11:39
You can use the URL in the 2017/12/18 – 10:56
Great, thanks for sharing! 2017/12/18 – 10:52
See #64. 2017/12/18 – 10:51
