Content Type Hub
The H5P Hub is a system for distributing and discovering H5P Content Types and H5P Content. Find your favourite H5Ps, share your proudest work and explore amazing new ways to use H5P. In this guide we will go through the required steps to get started with the H5P Hub.
Installing or updating the plugin
The first step towards making the Hub work on your system is to install the latest version of the plugin. If you have updated the plugin previously you should be familiar with this process, otherwise consult the updating your plugin guide.
Enable the Hub
When you have updated your plugin go to the “H5P Settings” page (depending on whether you are using Drupal, Moodle or Wordpress the settings page will look slightly different). Make sure that the “Enable hub” checkbox is ticked.
Update the Content Type Cache
Next step is making sure that you have downloaded and cached the latest content types from the H5P Hub. You can see when the content type was updated at the “H5P Libraries” page.
For the CMS’s that allow updating the content type cache when updating the plugin this should already be done for you, but if you see that the content type cache is out of date on this page, you should update by pressing the “update” button.
Explore the libraries
Now you should be all set to explore the new H5P Hub client. Enter the authoring tool as you usually would when creating new content, or follow the guide for creating new content if you haven’t done this before.
If you have followed the previous steps the old library selector should now be replaced by the brand new H5P Hub client. When clicking the hub selector a drop-down where you can explore new and already existing libraries should be revealed.
Consult the Content Type Hub client guide for detailed information on the different sections of the new library selector.
Randi Ramliyana
Thu, 10/31/2019 - 08:28
I am lecturer
Wanna make a quiz
younes salmi
Mon, 04/17/2023 - 00:12
svp je n'arrive pas à trouver -calendrier-dans la liste des contenus proposés en H5P
Mon, 04/17/2023 - 17:54
Hi,There is no calendar
There is no calendar content type the closest we have is the Advent Calendar.