
Students get IP Blocked ocassionally

Moodle 3.9.2 (Build: 20200914) Estructura H5P v1.24 (h5plib_v124)

Good afternoon. I've got a problem that students get IP blocked. Get ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT on Chrome. And they have to use the phone's data to enter the website again. Like if their IP is the issue and I have to call the hosting and tell them their IP so they can do something. This only happens in the website where H5P is heavily used. All lessons are columns that have interactive videos and other exercises inside of them. ¿What could be done so it doesn't happen?

HELP!!! Missing H5P Content


I currently use the interactive reading in H5P in my Moodle courses.I used the column content type.  I just saw where it is completely gone.  The assignment is still showing in the gradebook, however, the link to the assignment itself is completely gone for all of the chapters-past and future chapters. Can someone give me an update on what is happening?  I am attaching a screenshot showing the icon for the particular resource I used in Moodle.

Show solution in green (column)

It would be great if the solution was shown in green, now our students (especially on small screens) do not notice the radio button that appears.


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