Interactive Video

H5P Interactive Video - Single Choice Set (display as button)

TFarha's picture

If I want to use the single-choice set and display it as a button, is there anyway to resize the question? I have tried it, but the question turned into a scrollable form, and I am unable to resize. Thank you in advance if anyone can assist me.

Many of the interactive types that used to be availabe are now not showing's picture

The video interactivity's full range of interactivities is no longer visible - some are missing; it happened recently, maybe yesterday.

I use Chrome browser, I also tried it on Firefox. Hopefully, they have gone in for repairs so that they are more easily exported to Moodle? :-)

Poster image duration interactive video

ianclimb8's picture

Poster image

Image displayed before the user launches the video. Does not work for YouTube Videos. Were using Panopto and have addedan image to the inetractive video and the poster image flashes up a fractions of a second ( not long enoughto see it )  Any assistance with this issue much appreciated. BWIan 
