Interactive Video

Video Not Supported: Which Codecs or Vimeo alternative?

Hello everyone,

we always get "Video Not Supported" errors on several devices (iOS and Android), especially older devices... We have already tried different codecs, unfortunately there are always errors and we have not found a variant that works everywhere. Do you have a perfect guide on which codecs work where?


The workaround would be to host the videos externally: Are there any other alternatives to Vimeo Plus?


I would like to have a solution that always works...


Best regards Martin

Interactive Video Bookmarks Not Working

I've recently created a H5P video with bookmarks opening when the video loads. Currently, the bookmarks and play controls don't work in Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.

I have created two instances of the interactive video. One referencing a YouTube video and one where I have uploaded the video within H5P. Both videos are buggy and the bookmarks don't work.

Interactive video never completes in Forma Lms

  • Forma Lms 4.x with H5P plugin installed
  • I create an interactive video, I add a question and a submit screen
  • the users plays the course, gets to the question and answers correctly, then submits the answers but the system never considers it complete.
  • I tried with True-False, with Single Choice and Multiple Choice, all to no avail

Any suggestions?
