Interactive Video

Interactive video player can't be loaded - Safari

Hi guys,

I have created an interactive video using a video uploaded on Vimeo. This activity has been created and embedded on Moodle. It's not the first time that I use this content type but it's my first time with a video from Vimeo. The activity isn't too big, it works well for everyone except people using Safari. We get the following message "The Vimeo video could not be loaded" everytime we try to load the page...

Do you guys have ever experienced that? Did I do something wrong (except for using a Vimeo video lol)? Is there a way to fix it?

Thank you!

Using an AWS video for Interactive Video activity

kas200's picture

I'm trying to use a video hosted on AWS S3 in an interactive video H5P activity , but I keep getting the "Video format not supported" error that my video isn't recognized. Has anyone done this successfully? If so, how did you do it? Were there any specific settings on your S3 bucket that needed to be set? 

My example video link:


Multiple choice Question within Interactive Viceo


Is it possible to have the Multiple Choice option within the H5P Interactive Video include the ability to add more questions, similar to how it is done with the Single Choice question?

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