These are the goals for the H5P project:
- Attract a large worldwide community of skilled people who create, use and share H5P-libraries with each other
- Facilitate worldwide sharing of a large variety of HTML-based content and technologies
- Make it easy for content creators to deliver and publish HTML content on different CMS, LMS, LCMS and other frameworks
- Contribute to better HTML5 content by making it even easier to cooperate and reuse great web technology
Planned for next release
- Accessibility improvements
- Content type improvements
We're working on a public Jira board.
Upcoming major features Please note that this list is in random order and is not intended to be comprehensive. For most of these features, no timetable has been established for when the feature will be added. Some may appear in updates in the next few months while others may not be added for years. The time to implementation and priority order for each of these features depends on a number of variable factors, including code contributions from community members, available funding and staff resources The best way to ensure that a feature you care about is implemented quickly is to support it by contributing your time, skills, or financial resources to the project.
- In-place/inline editing (
- Contracts (instead of developers listing libraries that may be used in libraries.json on semantics.json they'll list contract(s) and all libraries implementing that contract may be used, for instance questiontypes will implement the questiontype 1.0 contract and Interactive Videos will support all libraries implementing the questiontype 1.0 contract)
- Add-ons (a library that adds to other libraries or contracts, for instance a skin for the CoursePresentation library)
- Backend evaluation of answers (
- Image resizing and cropping (
- Allow users to browse and reuse content from the H5P Hub without having to download and import activities as H5P files
- Media browser and/or media browser integrations
- Android, IOS and Windows apps for playing H5P files offline with xAPI support and other features..
Major features completed so far:
- Multiplayer session APIs ( Done - June 2021 release(more to come)
- Allow content created on your site to be shared on a global H5P Hub Done - June 2021 release
- Accessibility improvements. WCAG 2.0 AA with great WAI ARIA coverage for the content types. (Will always be a priority. Overview)
- Content type browser (instead of downloading H5P files from you can browse them from your site and install them automatically) - Done - April 2017 release
- Automatic updates (update libraries without downloading H5P files from - Done - April 2017 release
- Copy/paste support in various libraries Done - part of January 2016 release
- Bring to front and bring to back support in various libraries Done - part of January 2016 release
- Font size and font color support in wysiwyg editor Done - part of the June 2015 release
- Several new content types Done - part of January 2016 release
- UX improvements to existing content types Done - part of October 2015 and January 2016 releases, but will be a continuous thing
- Moodle integration Done - part of July 2016 release
- IMS Learning Tools Interoperability provider - H5P as a service
Previous releases
February 2023
January 2023
March 2022
August 2021
June 2021
November 2020
August 2020
November 2019
August 2019
February 2019
November 2018
July 2018
May 2018
February 2018
December 2017
September 2017
May 2017
April 2017
The H5P Content Type Hub
Release note
Release note
March 2017
Three new content types: Image Juxtaposition, Find multiple hotspots and SCORM for Drupal
Release note
February 2017
Moodle Improvements
Release note
Release note
January 2017
Editor Redesign
Release note
Release note
December 2016
New reporting capability and xAPI improvements
Release note
Release note
November 2016
Ensure learners answer questions in Interactive Video, New True/False Question Type and much more
Release note
Release note
October 2016
Interactive Video Improvements, the new questionnaire content type and more
Release note
Release note
October 2016
August 2016
An exciting new content type, accessibility improvements, UX improvements and more
Release note
Release note
July 2016

Release note
June 2016
April 2016
February 2016
Backgrounds, Branching, Moodle and lots more
Release note
Release note
January 2016
Four New Content Types: Arithmetic Quiz, Collage, Chart, Impressive Presentation. New functionalities and more
Release note
Release note
October 2015
New content type: Accordion, Interactive Video UX improvements sand other improvements
Release note
Release note
June 2015
Two new content types: Documentation tool, Image hotspots. Improvements: set font size and color, improved documentation and more
Release note
Release note
April 2015
New content type: Guess the answer. New functionalities: embed code, resume, remove and buttons, xAPI improvements and more
Release note
Release note
February 2015
New content type: Single choice set. Improvements: Interactive video adaptivity, YouTube integration, textual authoring and more
Release note
Release note
Wed, 03/27/2019 - 18:24
Sound integration
Thanks for your answer.
I'll do it tomorrow.
Sun, 09/01/2019 - 03:55
Integrations with Joomla
I would like know when the development team is planning on making it available the H5P integration with Joomla besides wordpress system. Looking forward to it.
Mon, 09/02/2019 - 18:54
Hi garrettlee,I believe that
Hi garrettlee,
I believe that there was a prototype plugin for Joomla previously, but it's now far behind and requires a lot of love to get up to speed.
Unfortunately, I don't think anyone is working on it now since the interest has been low from the Joomla community.
Perhaps you could create content on another site and then use the iframe embed code to add it to your Joomla?
Fri, 01/31/2020 - 14:35
H5P and Panopto?
We had heard from our Panopto customer rep that they were committed to building an API which allow use of Panopto videos by H5P.
I've had a look around the site but can't see any mention of this. Just wondered if you had anything planned here. I'm not a developer, but would be happy to help in any way with testing. It would be exciting for our lecturers if they could add H5P interactions to their Panopto videos!
Fri, 01/31/2020 - 17:35
Hi Jim,Personally I haven't
Hi Jim,
Personally I haven't seen any mention of Panopto in the forums. I've also not heard anything from the core team regarding creating something on H5Ps side in supporting Panopto. But since you mentioned that they are working on an API I would assume that it would be similar to what Youtube has to offer and once it is done it should work the same way as Youtube videos.
Mon, 02/03/2020 - 10:00
H5P and Panopto?
Thanks for the reply, BV.
Let's hope Panopto will have the API ready soon.
Fri, 01/31/2020 - 18:36
Content off
What is the possibility of making the content available off, in Brazil there are still places without internet but with the need for inclusive editing.
Mon, 02/03/2020 - 17:27
Hi Mario,H5P in itself cannot
Hi Mario,
H5P in itself cannot be used offline but it is possible with a certain setup. You can use WAMP/MAMP depending on your system, then install Moodle, Wordpress or Drupal and lastly install H5P in one of them. Of course you would need an internet connection to install all of these plus to download all the libraries for all the cotent types. Once all of those preparations have been done you are good to go.
[email protected]
Mon, 04/27/2020 - 22:03
I'm using the WordPress plug
I'm using the WordPress plug-in to create H5P interactives. When updates are available for individual content types, how I can find out what updates were made? The roadmap only seems to give general updates, but not changes made to specific content types. Thank you.
Tue, 04/28/2020 - 05:11
Hi,The release overview
The release overview should provide more details on the updates.
[email protected]
Tue, 04/28/2020 - 17:08
Thank you, BV52!
Sun, 05/24/2020 - 20:54
Useful new features please
The following would be extremely useful.
1) Ability to have an interaction or answer initiate a vocal answer. ( play a sound file )
2) Objects clicked via hotspots are put into an inventory / list as a coded string to be used elsewhere in the interactive video.
I'm sure both would be quite simple HTML coding that would create much more interesting interaction.
Mon, 05/25/2020 - 19:20
Hi Guitarman4,Good
Hi Guitarman4,
Good suggestions would mind creating a feature request for these. In order for your feature request to attract as much interest as possible make sure it follows the below guidelines:
It is clear from every perspective how the feature will work. We recommend describing the feature with one or more user stories, for instance “As an author, I want it to be possible to pick between different effects for the check answer animation so that the learner will see a variety of effects and also I can adapt the effects to my target audience(I’ll be using pink unicorns which works really well for both my target audience which are 4 year old girls and venture capitalists)”
If the feature can be illustrated with images or videos it always helps
Make it clear what content types this is relevant for, and or if this is a new content type
Make sure you post the feature in the Feature Request forum.
Fri, 05/29/2020 - 16:38
iFrame embedder
One of the most usefull content types is the iFrame embedder.
It enables me to use content types in Column which are not already possible (multiple hotspot).
Simply make content and use the embedding code to automagically insert it into Column.
I even have an excel which is generating code that I can upload in the database to create a column with lots of content of different pages (=> much faster then the webform)
To bad iFrame embedder isn't possible in Presentation (and also 360°, Interactive video and branching scenario).
instead of enabling individual content types to work in presentation, enabling iFrame embedder would make ALL content types to work in presentation.
Also maintaining the library is much easier when you have individual pages build together with the iframe embedder. For now, only in Column.
Tue, 10/19/2021 - 05:51
what happens after the 30 day trial
hi! I signed up for the 30-day trial, created interactive content, and loaded these up on Canvas. What will happen to these interactive contents when my free trial expires? Will they vanish from the LMS? Appreciate some clarification soonest, please. Thanks!
Tue, 10/19/2021 - 19:22
Hi drevill,Access to the
Hi drevill,
Access to the contents will stop once the trial expires and they will be permanently deleted after 30 days. You can download the contents prior to the expiration for future use. You can also send an email to [email protected] for more details.
Mon, 10/25/2021 - 22:46
what happens after the 30 day trial
Hi BV,
Can you kindly clarify what you mean by permanently deleted? Does it mean that copying and using the embed code is not enough? I have to download the file and add it to Canvas itself otherwise at the end of the trial period it will automatically vanish from my canvas page? Appreciate the patience in answering.
Thank you!
Tue, 10/26/2021 - 18:22
Hi drevill,Embedding the
Hi drevill,
Embedding the content using either the embed button or using the LTI connection only works if you have an active subscription or at least a trial account. The contents are hosted within your account in's server, so once the subscription/trial ends the account will not be accessible anymore as well as the contents. I'm afraid you cannot upload the contents into Canvas directly since it does not have a plugin that can read the file. However the downloaded contents should still work if you host the contents using the H5P plugins for Wordpress, Drupal or Moodle, you can also use this for future subscriptions.
I hope this helps and if you have other questions feel free to post your comments or send an email to the Customer Success team at [email protected].
Mon, 10/02/2023 - 16:33
TypeScript types library as core
I'd like the Group to add an officially-sanctioned TypeScript types library to the roadmap; a few of us have been having a lively discussion about it in the forums. Can folks tell me how best to go about making that suggestion to the Group formally?
A types library, while simple, is critical for the TypeScript developer base, and having the H5P Group publish one in their name would do much to make those developers' efforts more durable and readily maintainable. It would also be a sign that the Group wants to nuture a diverse and vibrant developer community and is interested in encouraging rigor and best practice among that community.
There are several contributed libraries in the npm registry that could serve as a starting point, and a few willing hands, at least. We'd just need a little steering from and the blessing of the H5P Group.
Mon, 10/02/2023 - 18:47
Hi sppearson,I've already
Hi sppearson,
I've already reached out to the devs and they should chime in on the thread soon.