These are the goals for the H5P project:
- Attract a large worldwide community of skilled people who create, use and share H5P-libraries with each other
- Facilitate worldwide sharing of a large variety of HTML-based content and technologies
- Make it easy for content creators to deliver and publish HTML content on different CMS, LMS, LCMS and other frameworks
- Contribute to better HTML5 content by making it even easier to cooperate and reuse great web technology
Planned for next release
- Accessibility improvements
- Content type improvements
We're working on a public Jira board.
Upcoming major features Please note that this list is in random order and is not intended to be comprehensive. For most of these features, no timetable has been established for when the feature will be added. Some may appear in updates in the next few months while others may not be added for years. The time to implementation and priority order for each of these features depends on a number of variable factors, including code contributions from community members, available funding and staff resources The best way to ensure that a feature you care about is implemented quickly is to support it by contributing your time, skills, or financial resources to the project.
- In-place/inline editing (
- Contracts (instead of developers listing libraries that may be used in libraries.json on semantics.json they'll list contract(s) and all libraries implementing that contract may be used, for instance questiontypes will implement the questiontype 1.0 contract and Interactive Videos will support all libraries implementing the questiontype 1.0 contract)
- Add-ons (a library that adds to other libraries or contracts, for instance a skin for the CoursePresentation library)
- Backend evaluation of answers (
- Image resizing and cropping (
- Allow users to browse and reuse content from the H5P Hub without having to download and import activities as H5P files
- Media browser and/or media browser integrations
- Android, IOS and Windows apps for playing H5P files offline with xAPI support and other features..
Major features completed so far:
- Multiplayer session APIs ( Done - June 2021 release(more to come)
- Allow content created on your site to be shared on a global H5P Hub Done - June 2021 release
- Accessibility improvements. WCAG 2.0 AA with great WAI ARIA coverage for the content types. (Will always be a priority. Overview)
- Content type browser (instead of downloading H5P files from you can browse them from your site and install them automatically) - Done - April 2017 release
- Automatic updates (update libraries without downloading H5P files from - Done - April 2017 release
- Copy/paste support in various libraries Done - part of January 2016 release
- Bring to front and bring to back support in various libraries Done - part of January 2016 release
- Font size and font color support in wysiwyg editor Done - part of the June 2015 release
- Several new content types Done - part of January 2016 release
- UX improvements to existing content types Done - part of October 2015 and January 2016 releases, but will be a continuous thing
- Moodle integration Done - part of July 2016 release
- IMS Learning Tools Interoperability provider - H5P as a service
Previous releases
February 2023
January 2023
March 2022
August 2021
June 2021
November 2020
August 2020
November 2019
August 2019
February 2019
November 2018
July 2018
May 2018
February 2018
December 2017
September 2017
May 2017
April 2017
The H5P Content Type Hub
Release note
Release note
March 2017
Three new content types: Image Juxtaposition, Find multiple hotspots and SCORM for Drupal
Release note
February 2017
Moodle Improvements
Release note
Release note
January 2017
Editor Redesign
Release note
Release note
December 2016
New reporting capability and xAPI improvements
Release note
Release note
November 2016
Ensure learners answer questions in Interactive Video, New True/False Question Type and much more
Release note
Release note
October 2016
Interactive Video Improvements, the new questionnaire content type and more
Release note
Release note
October 2016
August 2016
An exciting new content type, accessibility improvements, UX improvements and more
Release note
Release note
July 2016

Release note
June 2016
April 2016
February 2016
Backgrounds, Branching, Moodle and lots more
Release note
Release note
January 2016
Four New Content Types: Arithmetic Quiz, Collage, Chart, Impressive Presentation. New functionalities and more
Release note
Release note
October 2015
New content type: Accordion, Interactive Video UX improvements sand other improvements
Release note
Release note
June 2015
Two new content types: Documentation tool, Image hotspots. Improvements: set font size and color, improved documentation and more
Release note
Release note
April 2015
New content type: Guess the answer. New functionalities: embed code, resume, remove and buttons, xAPI improvements and more
Release note
Release note
February 2015
New content type: Single choice set. Improvements: Interactive video adaptivity, YouTube integration, textual authoring and more
Release note
Release note
Thu, 04/09/2015 - 09:10
1. H5P will support reusing content some time in the future, but it will probably take a while for us to get there
3. What Wordpress plugin are you using for giving users privileges?
11. Where is it fixed layout? In the editor?
12. What Wordpress plugin are you using to display file lists?
Thu, 04/09/2015 - 09:34
1. H5P will support reusing
1. H5P will support reusing content some time in the future, but it will probably take a while for us to get there >JPE, the purpose here is to allow to combine exiting Contents into one Content, e.g. we can create 100 Contents, and every time select 10 of them and put it into 1st "set" and use them as an assignment, another month, we may select another 10 of Contents, and put it into 2nd set for assignment.
3. What Wordpress plugin are you using for giving users privileges? >JPE, Advanced Access Manager plugin
11. Where is it fixed layout? In the editor? >JPE, in player, the slideshow, just zoom in scale, in small screen, it is difficult to read the word. it is not really a problem, but it is what is a best way to make a slide to fit into big screen and small screen. I am not sure what is correct way to do.
12. What Wordpress plugin are you using to display file lists? >JPE, it's H5P plugin, in Post editing screen, beside "Add Media" button, H5P plugin added another button called "Add H5P", after click the "H5P", you will see list of H5P Content to insert a shortcode into a post, the shortcode looks like [h5p id="8"], if the shortcode could be displayed as one of column in the list on page "All H5P Content", it would be better.
Fri, 01/15/2016 - 03:57
Tagging content in Wordpress
Hi Falcon,
Firstly H5P is a great initiative and I am really enjoying working with this library so far.
I support the idea of tagging/categorising content with the view to display content based on tags. I am creating a video library and for this it would be ideal to have this functionality and control how the videos may appear on the page/post and to search the videos/content. At the moment, the only way I can do this is to place the content in a post and metatag this. Since 'interactive video' is a content type and not structural element, do you see H5P moving this way?
Also would be keen for the interactive video content type to be fully functional on iphone 6. At the moment, I see the video but the overlayed interactivity is lost.
Tue, 01/19/2016 - 22:21
Hi! I'm not 100 % sure if I
Tue, 01/19/2016 - 23:44
H5P content types as wordpress custom post
Hi falcon,
Thanks for the message. What I meant was more the former "H5P will be supporting tagging in WP".
My needs require that the H5P library could behave like a wordpress custom post - that means:
- have the ability to tag and categorise the H5P content
- display the content based on parameters such as tags/categories (taxonomy)
- search the h5p content
- have the ability to click on a H5P content entity and display in its own dedicated page/post and assign a template to it.
In a sense, h5p content types are very much already their own custom post except it is missing the ability to natively add taxonomy and manipulate the way it is displayed.
For example it would be great to have the ability to access shortcodes like:
[h5p cat=blue] Show all h5p content that has the category blue
[h5p tag=shirts] Show all h5p content that has the tag shirts
[h5p type=interactive-video tag=blue] Show all h5p interactive videos with the tag blue
[h5p search=true] A search engine for h5p content
To achieve the above, I am inserting each individual h5p content type into a video post, tagging and categorising the post , adding a feature image, then displaying as the wordpress theme displays the posts (by category, can be searched, can be listed in the side navigation). Instead of creating the post as a container to apply all the taxonomy to, it would be great if H5P worked natively like this.
I can see that this is a big request/question but I see it being very useful and optimising the content created.
Thu, 01/21/2016 - 13:50
Thanks a lot for sharing. I
Mon, 04/13/2015 - 17:20
1. I think we're on the same
1. I think we're on the same page 3
3. Ok, we'll look into that
11. Yeah, it's quite hard to make such a content type work well on small screens since the relative positioning and sizing of each element on the screen may be important. A mobile friendly view would perhaps consist of displaying each of the elements below each other. Editors are not supposed to use texts like "In the picture to the right you see a Koala" but they tend to do it in content types like the presentation content type. We'll consider doing something about this problem though.
12. Ok, I've asked the wordpress guys to consider it.
Tue, 04/14/2015 - 16:30
Easy full-screen option
Wed, 04/15/2015 - 09:53
The fullscreen button is
Thu, 04/16/2015 - 20:40
reuse media/content and massive production
I am trying to create many similar practices in a presentation. There are many images are shared cross slides (or even questions). Is it possible to share these media resources?
What is the brief idea to do content reuse? H5p would have a kind of question pool? I think jp_eagle talked about the similar thing. Just would like to clarify a little detail thing.
On the other hand, is there anyway that I can import or generate similar questions by some kind of data strcture (such as xml or *.csv)? Do you have plan to enhance massive production for a online trainer? I am thinking to have a programming way to produce similar questions. Is it still a long way to go? Maybe we could have a small current solusion that having a little program to produce specific h5p code/content. Your valuable commets would be really appreciated.
Fri, 04/17/2015 - 13:34
We're aware of the potential
We're aware of the potential here.
So far we've only done two things to make this easier:
1. We've tried to simplify the json format for the content so that professionals may produce H5P content by hand by editing the json in their favourite json editor allowing very efficient production of content that may be packaged and uploaded as H5P files. The uploading part should be made simpler but if I where to create something massive with a great potential for reuse I would consider doint it in a text editor or atleast parts of the work in a text editor.
2. There are textual edit modes for summaries and questionsets making it even faster to create questions by just editing text.
Planned improvements:
1. Copy paste features
2. Cloning feature for lists
3. Multi upload
4. Reuse of H5P components via a component browser or similar.
It will take some time until these improvements are ready and it depends on the priorities of our sponsors.
Sat, 04/18/2015 - 10:35
It seems OK for me now.
Hi Falcon,
Thank you very much for the quickly response always!!!
It seems OK for me now to build a small application for a trail. I should have some practical feedbacks after doing it.
Mon, 04/20/2015 - 09:01
Looking forward to your
Mon, 05/18/2015 - 15:51
Hi, I work for a UK-based non-profit organisation OneWorld UK that provides technology solutions for health and governance projects in UK, Africa and Asia. We are looking for an eLearning app "editing tool" which will allow non-programmers to create eLearning apps.
We imagine a WYSIWYG editor where you can define the pages in an app, and the eLearning widgets on those pages. Initially, we could use this to prototype app designs and then implement them in the normal way using a mobile app IDE such as Android Studio. Ultimately though it would be nice if we could actually create native or Cordova based apps directly from the "app editor".
I've installed H5P with Wordpress and think it could be what we are looking for. I am using the standard Wordpress page editor to embed H5P packages in pages (which represent pages on the app), but it would be nice if there was a more WYSIWYG way of doing this ... ideally by dragging-and-dropping H5P packages onto the page.
Have you got any plans, or ideas how to achieve this?
Would Drupal or Joomla provide a better interface?
Can you share what your next release might contain?
best wishes, Ken Kitson
Mon, 05/18/2015 - 21:00
I'm glad to hear that you're considering using H5P. It seems to be a really meaningful project you're working with.
We're constantly improving all parts of H5P including creating a "pages" content type where you'll be able to put together existing content types in columns on pages. On mobile phones there will be only one column while on big screen pcs there might be many. The editor for this content type won't be very wysiwyg to begin with, but we'll make it more and more wysiwyg as we move forward.
Feel free to contact us if you think we should try to combine some of our efforts. We also have some projects targeted at African countries.
Sat, 06/13/2015 - 02:18
Thank You!
This is an amazing resource for teachers - thank you for your time and effort!
Mon, 06/15/2015 - 16:15
Fri, 08/14/2015 - 17:58
Pearson Learning Studio
Has anyone had any experience integrating with Pearson Learning Studio (aka eCollege LMS). I would love to be able to use H5P in that.
Mon, 08/17/2015 - 09:14
I'm not aware of anyone, but
I'm not aware of anyone, but it might be.
From this page I see Pearson Learning Studio is compliant with LTI v1.0 and v1.1. As you see in our roadmap, LTI for H5P is planned . I don't know yet when that will be.
Wed, 09/23/2015 - 13:31
Exporting into HTML?
Are there any plans for exporting projects as a single zip so anyone can use them without PHP?
Thu, 09/24/2015 - 19:47
Yes, we're planning to add
Sun, 10/04/2015 - 21:05
Suggested Pricing Structure
Hi, in addition to the comments below which I left below ( at ),
I would suggest the following price structure:
$50 unlimited license (let's you use h5p on as many websites as you like and includes free lifetime upgrades and access to all content types)
There's many paths to funding a project like this, I believe a flat price like the above is the best method. You have enough publicity at this point that the few people who will complain about charging money for h5p won't matter as long as the people who are paying are getting a superior product. Your other best option is running a kickstarter campaign and just making the goal $500,000. You would be funded in less than 30 days should you really deliver on your roadmap promises so you don't have to say things like, "Others might take years." -- which makes people think you're under-funded (which you are). I already have other paid software which I use (I prefer to pay for a decent product with good support than struggle with free products with poor support as you can already tell) so if h5p doesn't pan out for me I will just stick with what I am using now but I am most interested in the following: - I noticed this is actually just an implementation of timeline js3 so luckily I can get around this or use other software - great tool but I can always use other software for this - ditto - unique but ditto - unique but ditto - ditto - unique but ditto - unique but ditto
So in conclusion, I find that there are alternatives out there so I would begin structuring some type of funding plan and in the event you don't, thankfully I have other options, but I do like what you're doing here and will certainly come back to using h5p for certain educational tasks (which I just found out about yesterday) should you guys be taking that very seriously because I'd hate to see h5p go to waste.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hello h5p, I am really excited about what can be done with your software. I have a couple questions:
1. Do you have an expected release date for these UX upgrades?
2. Is there a overall changelog I can follow for h5p as a whole?
3. I found a bug with the timeline content type and hope you can look into it:
4. When do you plan on releasing a paid version? This is a great project but it is very buggy as shown above. With products like this, there is ALWAYS a direct correlation between funding for the project and project quality. I'd hate to see h5p end up in the trash bin because you're not being properly funded. I would gladly pay for this product should it be properly supported and constantly updated with bug fixes and features.
Doctor John
Mon, 10/12/2015 - 10:48
Integration Options
Hi Guys,
We have a LMS and are looking at integrating the tool as both
A. An Authoring tool option
B. Embed ready content
What options do you offer ? Do you offer LTI Support ?
Mon, 10/12/2015 - 12:06
Is your LMS written in PHP?
Wed, 11/04/2015 - 10:45
We've been recommended to add
We've been recommended to add LTI support for before doing a Moodle plugin since Moodle sites often isn't updated frequently and H5P is moving forward quite quickly. A Moodle site that hasn't been updated the last 3 months probably wouldn't be able to use the latest H5P libraries.
The idea is that Moodle users could then use to create their content and embed it in Moodle using the "External Tool". Grades would then be recorded in the users grade book.
So the main advantage would be that Moodle users would always have access to the latest stable versions of the H5P content types without having to worry about updates. The biggest draw backs would be having to log in to two different sites, and less customization options. To begin with it wouldn't be possible to change the styling for instance.
Any thoughts here?
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 18:01
Moodle plugin and updating
Evrytime when an admin does login in Moodle, he/she gets a warning to update the plugins which are registrated in the Moodle plugin directory.
Under that message the admin sees a button to do the update automatically (or a button to download the plugin and do it manually.)
So... if the libraries are added as a subdir in the plugin then it should work.
Wed, 12/09/2015 - 20:55
Thank you for sharing. I
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 08:49
Moodle plugin and updating
Everytime when an admin does login in Moodle, he/she gets a warning to update the plugins which are registrated in the Moodle plugin directory.(H5P needs only to maintain the H5p moodle module there..)
Under that message the admin sees a button to do the update automatically (or a button to download the plugin and do it manually.)
So... if the libraries are added as a subdir in the plugin then it should work.
Thu, 12/10/2015 - 15:39
Have you started to use the
Sat, 01/23/2016 - 12:35
The moment of results reset for drupal
I noticed that the user result would be reset when the node updated (no matter content or just settings) in drupal. Is it possible to change to reset the user data only when the h5p content changed only? Was this added in the future improvement already?
By the way, I tested Jan. 2016 release. The copy and past function helps very much for the author and in my opinion, this is a BIG improvement. Thank you for your great effort.
Mon, 01/25/2016 - 11:42
We could try that. I think we
Mon, 01/25/2016 - 19:05
Could we have a half-way solution?
Thank you very much for yoru quick comment, falcon.
If the algorithm is very complicated, maybe it would be helpful (to the author) just to have an option: NOT to reset the result data when updating the node (also if the option is checked, the modified h5p should not be updated to avoid unpredictable situations). What do you think?
Tue, 01/26/2016 - 08:19
That is definitively possible
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 10:47
Is this working?https:/
Is this working?
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 11:13
It is under development. It
Thu, 01/28/2016 - 11:14
Thanks you very much!
Thanks you very much!
Sat, 01/30/2016 - 17:24
Works very very good!(And
Works very very good!
(And added a minor PR for the readme file that adds more details to the install process:
Sun, 03/13/2016 - 20:20
Showing h5p content in a mobile app
Hi, May I know the main picture of the roadmap item 19. Android, IOS and Windows apps for playing H5P files offline with xAPI support and more? I need to show h5p content in the mobile app and better if xAPI support of course. According to my brief search, in the kivy/ionic framework, it is possible to communicate with drupal from the mobile app, but does h5p need to provide service in drupal? Is there any plan or milestone about this? Thanks.
Mon, 03/14/2016 - 15:45
Hi,We don't have an ETA for
We don't have an ETA for this yet, and the first thing we will do is plan how we would implement this. Use cross platform technologies like PhoneGap or create native apps for instance? Make a complete app or just an H5P player/authoring tool that others may extend and create various experiences with? Won't start working on this this year unless someone orders it. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful here. We don't have any detailed plans for this yet.
Mon, 03/14/2016 - 18:17
I see falcon. This is in the
I see falcon. This is in the feasibility study stage for me currently. I will contact with you when it becomes more concrete idea. Thank you for your
Sun, 05/22/2016 - 11:12
Hi there,
Any chance of an LTI integration with Canvas by instructure LMS.
Sun, 05/22/2016 - 11:12
Hi there,
Any chance of an LTI integration with Canvas by instructure LMS.
Wed, 05/25/2016 - 13:47
I think we'll be adding that
Mon, 05/23/2016 - 08:58
Hi, I would be glad if you could add Dot-a-dot game to your content list! Thanks anyway for a great site!
Mon, 05/23/2016 - 17:28
Thank you for the feedback.
Mon, 05/30/2016 - 11:40
Hi, here is a link to a video that shows the game, and a link to a site where there are examples. I would love to have the possibility to have words/letters/numbers instead of just numbers (as I am working with language studies)
Tue, 05/31/2016 - 10:45
I see, cool examples. Are you
Wed, 06/01/2016 - 06:54
Only picture, but maybe sound
We don't really need a video, not that we can think of now. However we discussed that adding an audiofile that would play the instructions could be good.
Thu, 06/02/2016 - 16:14
Ok, cool, great idea! Let's
Fri, 06/03/2016 - 06:42
Let's hope so!